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Debra Adkins      1/21/2020 10:46:13 AM
Seeking webmaster/small business owner to participate in the online paid researches Seeking webmaster/small business owner to participate in the online paid researches Hi, I'm Adkins from American Respondent Research. We are looking for webmasters/small business owners/bloggers like you to participate in our online paid tasks, such as: “Seeking individuals who are work in SEO or Organic Search, $2, 5 minutes” - You take 5 minutes to anwser questions, then get $2. Or “Seeking small business owners to share with us how they manage contacts, $3, 7 minutes ” … If you are interested, please visit: Note: • Select 2 industries when perfecting information: 1. Internet 2. Industry related to your business • You will not qualify for all surveys that are available, if you don't qualify for one, click next • Cash offer will Not Screen members and give higher pay! Debra Adkins Unsubscribe: Submitted By: Debra Adkins

George      1/15/2020 8:35:02 AM
Convert Your Articles Into Engaging Videos Hello, I've noticed that you have some nice content on your site. Have you ever thought about turning some of your articles or blog posts into videos?... No doubt it's a great way to leverage your content, increase your reach and boost your marketing results. Because hey, we all know that video is taking the web by storm. And if you don't jump in on it now - full throttle - then you will get left behind in 2020. But don't worry, we can solve this problem for you without ripping a hole in your pocket. Our fresh and affordable Article-to-Video service will convert your articles into engaging videos. Let me know if you're interested and I'll send you over full details along with a special offer for new clients only. Best Regards, George Promo Video Express Submitted By: George

Irma Watt      9/13/2019 9:30:33 AM
Accelerate Your Growth - 30 Days at No Cost Accelerate Your Growth - 30 Days at No Cost Hi, My name is Irma and I am the founder at BIGLEP. We work with organizations like Getresponse to accelerate small businesses growth through offering email marketing tools. Powerfully-simple features let you concentrate on your business — not marketing technology: drag and drop email creation, pre-built templates, automations, powerful analytics. Interested? Get 15mins on your calendar to explore: Cheers, Irma To unsubscribe: reply "no" Submitted By: Irma Watt

Tianna Forcino      7/8/2019 11:07:25 AM
Did you know that you could earn more money from Media ads network? Did you know that you might earn more cash from Media ads network? Media ads network has a very large base of advertisers who mainly advertise on Bing and Yahoo network After signing up for the network, you will get a customer rep dedicated to your account. They are advertising experts. And then combine with the powerful technology of Bing, you can imagine that your revenue will be maximized. Get Started with Media: Best, Tianna Forcino *Unsubscribe*: Send the text "No email" Submitted By: Tianna Forcino      12/29/2018 12:30:37 PM
مسا الخير انا مهندسة معلوماتية من سوريا و حابة اعمل بحث علمي عن التحول الى الادارة الالكترونية ودورها في تطوير المؤسسات شكرا لك للمساعدة

William N      2/8/2018 10:44:39 PM
Design Work Just wanted to ask if you would be interested in getting external help with graphic design? We do all design work like banners, advertisements, photo edits, logos, flyers, etc. for a fixed monthly fee. We don't charge for each task. What kind of work do you need on a regular basis? Let me know and I'll share my portfolio with you. Submitted By: William N

masg23243543232      5/14/2015 9:29:54 AM
whehevjheso w;lrhgiosphoeblrbthioreuhsoigeuhgoi3iwhgeo4ghospo4bsmehuboebhuotough;luhtogle;louhgokgh4ygosohg Submitted By: masg23243543232

Ahmed Alasbali      2/3/2015 7:23:47 PM
IS 200 السلام عليكم دكتور صالح اسعد الله اوقاتك بالخير والمسرات. انا الطالب احمد العسبلي ادرس تخصص نظم معلومات حاسب في الولايات المتحده. في الحقيقه ان هناك ماده اسمها CIS 202-Introduction to Computer Information Systems وارغب في دراستها في الفصل الصيفي في جامعه الامام وعند قراءتي لوصف المواد الخاصه بجامعه الامام وجدت الماده IS200 تعادل نفس الماده CIS 202 فأارجو من سعادتكم اذا الممكن افادتي اذا الماده سوف تدرس في الصيف ام لا واكون لك من الشاكرين. تمنياتي لك بداوم التوفيق والنجاح. احمد العسبلي Submitted By: Ahmed Alasbali

Armand      6/29/2014 2:38:46 AM
Hi Dear Prof.Saleh Al-Zhrani.Im a student from Albania and visit your site and i like so much.Im intersted for a sulution for book Systems Analysis and Design 8th ed. - K. Kendall, J. Kendall (Pearson, 2011) BBS but i cant find on this page.Can you help me please? Sincery Armand Submitted By: Armand

بندر المطيري      1/30/2014 3:37:28 AM
بخصوص توصية السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته د. صالح الزهراني سلمه الله أنا أحد طلابك السابقين في مادة تحليل وتصميم النظم وقد تخرجت عام ٢٠٠٦ م وسبق أن منحتني توصية مشكوراً وهذا رابط التوصية ، وحالياً تقدمت لجامعة ديلاور الأمريكية University of Delaware فأرجو مشكوراً الرد على إيميلاتهم وتقيمي في موقعهم الألكتروني . شاكراً لك وممتن . بندر بن دخيل المطيري ٠٥٠٤١١٥١٢٠ Submitted By: بندر المطيري

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MajdiPhD4/5/2012 5:50 AM
AmmarBsc4/5/2012 5:51 AM
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