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Interest area:

I have a particular professional interest in the following areas: computer networks, network management, hospital information systems, systems analysis and design, information systems security, soft systems methodologies, cost/benefit analysis, management, project management, systems development methodologies, human resource management ans semantic web.

Abstracts for all researches in Arabic (Download)

Journal Published Papers

1. Saleh Al-Zahrani, 2002, Use of Information and communications in healthcare organizations, Perspective from Saudi Arabia.  British Journal of Healthcare Computing and Information Management, Vol. 19, No. 10, pp. 17-19. 


2. Saleh Al-Zahrani, 2003, The Attitudes of Healthcare Personnel Towards Computers in Saudi Arabian University hospitals. British Journal of Healthcare Computing and Information Management, Vol. 20, No. 2, pp. 38–42.


3. Saleh, Al-Zahrani, 2004, A National Health Information Network Systems for Saudi Arabia: An Overview and Views on Future Development. Journal of Computer and Applied Science. Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, Vo.2(2),42-51.  (PDF) 

4. Saleh, Al-Zahrani, 2006, An information management system model for the Industrial Incidents in Saudi Arabia: A conceptual framework based on SDLC methodology. Journal of Computer Science. 2 (5): 447-454, ISSN 1549-3636.  (PDF) 

5. Saleh, Al-Zahrani, 2006, From Words to Concepts in Text Mining, Journal of Digital Information Management. Vol. 4, No. 2, pp. 147-149. (PDF)

6. Saleh, Al-Zahrani, & Saed Alghatani, 2007, The Design of Geographic Information System Education Administration Tools for the Saudi Ministry of Education (MOE) in Saudi Arabia, Arabic Journal of libraries and information, Vol. 2, No. 27, pp. 123-128. (PDF)

7. Saleh, Al-Zahrani, 2009, An Empirical Investigation of the Information Technology Implementation in Saudi Arabia. International Journal of Computing Architecture: Vol. 4, No. 2, pp. 89-97. (PDF)

8. Saleh, Al-Zahrani, 2010, Management Information Systems Role In Decision-Making During Crises: Case Study. Journal of Computer Science 6 (11): 1247-1251, 2010 ISSN 1549-3636. (PDF)


9. Saleh, Al-Zahrani, and Mubark Alghtani, 2010, Audio Environment Recognition using Zero Crossing Features and MPEG-7 Descriptors. Journal of Computer Science 6 (11): 1262-1266, 2010- ISSN 1549-3636. (PDF)


10. Saleh, Al-Zahrani, 2010, Development of a Soft System Model to Identify Information and Communications Technology problems and Obstacles in Government Organizations in Saudi Arabia. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, Vol. 20, No. 2, pp. 99–104. (PDF)

11. Saleh, Al-Zahrani, and Pit. Pichappan 2010, A Framework of ‘Enabling Security Systems’ for Organizations: IJCSNS International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, Vol. 10, No. 10, pp. 121-127, Oct. 2010. (PDF)

12. Saleh, Al-Zahrani, 2010, Assessment and Predictive Measures of Information Technology Readiness: Case study,  International Journal of Web applications: Vol. 3, No. 1. (PDF)

 13. Saleh, Al-Zahrani, 2010, A Structural Study between chatting and Cheating, American Journal of Applied Sciences. (PDF)

14. Saleh, Al-Zahrani, 2010, Threats to Information System Security in Saudi Arabia Security Agencies: A Comprehensive Case Study, Saudi Computer Journal, Applied computing & Informatics, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. (PDF)


Conference Published Papers


15. Saleh, Al-Zahrani, 2004, Health Information System for Saudi Arabia. In: Proceedings of the Information Technology and Natural Science Al-Zaytoonah University of Jordan. Amman, pp. 246-257. 


16. Saleh, Al-Zahrani, 2006, Awareness of Hospital Information Systems Security: Perspective from King Saud University Hospitals.  Information Security Symposium, Taibah University. College of Computer Science and Engineering, pp. 159-173. (PDF)

17. Saleh, Al-Zahrani, 2006, Controlled Security of  EHR Access in Health Information System” the First IEEE International Conference on Digital Information Management, Bangalore, India 6-8, pp. 25-27. (PDF)

18. Saleh, Al-Zahrani, Al-Ghatani, Yahiya, 2006, Investigation of End Users Attitude toward Computers in Saudi Arabia”, The 4the International Multiconference on Computer Science   and Information Technology Applications, Jordan, pp.321.

19. Saleh, Al-Zahrani, & Saed Alghatani, 2007, Multi-Criteria for School Site Selection: Saudi Arabia Point of View, Proceedings of the Information Technology conference. Iran, pp. 146-157. 

20. Saleh, Al-Zahrani and Pit Pichappan 2007, An Empirical Study of ‘Enabling Security Systems’ for organizations: the Information Technology and National Security Conference. Riyadh. SA, pp.1232-1248 

21. Saleh, Al-Zahrani, 2010, A Multilayered Electronic Health Record System generation: Third International Conference on the Applications of Digital Information and Web Technologies (ICADIWT 2010), Istanbul, Turkey, pp. 136-140. (PDF)


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